
In the Pixels Challenge, you are given a blurry photo. If you zoom out enough, you can see the image becomes more clear and you can start to make out letters that are consistent with the format of a flag.

Solving the Challenge

  1. Browse to
  2. Click Pixels
  3. Click pixels.png
  4. Use paint.NET to open the picture pixels.png.
  5. The picture is too blurry to read, so zoom out.
  6. At approximately 6% of its actual size, I can make out the words “better than a” and at approximately 7% of its actual size I can make out what could be “mouthful of nails”
  7. Use Google to search for quote mouthful nails
  8. Click the search result for https://britishsass.tumblr.com/.
  9. There is a quote on the website that reads, “slightly better than a mouthful of nails!”
  10. Review the picture. We can see that the first letter of the first word is larger than the remaining letters, so we will assume it is a capital “S”. The second to last character does not seem to be an exclamation mark, but could be a period.
  11. Through trial and error, I confirmed my assumptions in the previous step.
  12. The flag is BTC{Slightly better than a mouthful of nails.}
  13. Paste the flag into the Flag field.
  14. Click Submit.