
Exploit a vulnerable PHP file upload page to view the contents of /flag.txt.

Solving the Challenge

  1. The upload only allows PNG file types.
  2. If we add “.png” to the end of a php file (so the file name ends in .php.png), the upload will permit the file.
  3. The upload also appears to restrict the length of the file.
  4. I opened a PNG file and removed the information except for the header and the size information, then added the PHP code to output the contents of /flag.txt:

    <?php echo file_get_contents( "/flag.txt" ); ?>

  5. Upload the file.
  6. Visit the profile page.
  7. Right click the profile page, and click Inspect.
  8. Find the URI for the profile picture.
  9. Open a new tab.
  10. Browse to the URI for the profile picture.

Antisyphon Flash CTF #3 2022 Just My Kind of Type Screenshot