
4D5A/windows_hardening is a personal fork of 0x6d69636b/windows_hardening by Michael Schneider 0x6d69636b. 0x6d69636b/windows_hardening is a repository used for development and the production repository is HardeningKitty by scipag. The PowerShell module in the scipag/HardeningKitty repository is digitally signed by scipag.1

I am not employed by or otherwise affiliated with 0x6d69636b or scip ag other than occassionally contributing to the 0x6d69636b/windows_hardening repository.


Several paid tools offer the ability to scan computers’ settings to determine the conformance with security standards such as CIS Benchmarks. I have not found many open source or freeware solutions that allow you to scan computers’ settings to determine their conformance with those security standards let alone apply the settings for a standard. 0x6d69636b’s windows_hardening solution is such a tool. It is free and open source. It gives infosec professionals the ability to evaluate a computer’s configuration to assess its conformance with a specific checklist that is written as a CSV file. 0x6d69636b maintains checklists related to Microsoft, CIS Benchmarks, and other security standards. 0x6d69636b also maintains a custom checklist.

I have also created a custom checklist which I continue to modify.

windows_hardening can be used to check the settings of a computer and to apply settings contained in a checklist. If no checklist is specified, 0x6d69636b’s custom checklist is used.

Install windows_hardening

You can install windows_hardening by downloading the newest release, copying the files, and importing the PowerShell module.

Alternatively, you can run the PowerShell function below which automatically downloads the newest release from the 0x6d69636b/windows_hardening repository.

Function InstallHardeningKitty() {
    $Version = ((Invoke-WebRequest "" -UseBasicParsing) | ConvertFrom-Json).Name
    $HardeningKittyLatestVersionDownloadLink = ((Invoke-WebRequest "" -UseBasicParsing) | ConvertFrom-Json).zipball_url
    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    Invoke-WebRequest $HardeningKittyLatestVersionDownloadLink -Out HardeningKitty$
    Expand-Archive -Path ".\HardeningKitty$" -Destination ".\HardeningKitty$Version" -Force
    $Folder = Get-ChildItem .\HardeningKitty$Version | Select-Object Name -ExpandProperty Name
    Move-Item ".\HardeningKitty$Version\$Folder\*" ".\HardeningKitty$Version\"
    Remove-Item ".\HardeningKitty$Version\$Folder\"
    New-Item -Path $Env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\HardeningKitty\$Version -ItemType Directory
    Set-Location .\HardeningKitty$Version
    Copy-Item -Path .\HardeningKitty.psd1,.\HardeningKitty.psm1,.\lists\ -Destination $Env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\HardeningKitty\$Version\ -Recurse
    Import-Module "$Env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\HardeningKitty\$Version\HardeningKitty.psm1"

Using windows_hardening

windows_hardening has three modes. The modes are Config, Audit, and HailMary. In Config mode, windows_hardening reports on your systems’s settings using the checklist provided with the FileFindingList switch when you run the command (if the FileFindingList switch is not provided, windows_hardening will use the finding_list_0x6d69636b_machine.csv checklist) as the list of settings to check. In Audit mode, windows_hardening checks your system’s settings and compares them with the suggested settings found in the checklist provided with the FileFindingList (or the default checklist if the FileFindingList is not provided) and outputs the results to the console. In HailMary mode, windows_hardening configures your system using the settings contained in the checklist provided with the FileFindingList switch when you run the command. If windows_hardening is run in HailMary mode, it is necessary to explicity select a checklist.

Use extreme caution if you choose to run windows_hardening in HailMary mode. Because running windows_hardening in HailMary mode will make changes to your system’s registry, it is possible that changes to create problems. Be sure to create a backup of your system (and verify the completeness and functionality of your backup) before you run windows_hardening in HailMary mode.


Invoke-HardeningKitty -Mode Config -FileFindingList .\lists\finding_list_0x6d69636b_user.csv -Log -Report


Invoke-HardeningKitty -Mode Audit -FileFindingList .\lists\finding_list_0x6d69636b_user.csv -Log -Report


Invoke-HardeningKitty -Mode HailMary -FileFindingList .\lists\finding_list_0x6d69636b_user.csv -Log -Report

Custom Checklist

If you are interested in downloading my custom checklist, you can find it at

You may also choose to clone my fork of windows_hardening. You can clone my fork of windows_hardening by running the command git clone
